It is a technique of the electromagnetic method, which consists of “scanning” the entire length of the tube using probes that emit a magnetic field that is attenuated by the “volume of material” existing between the emitter and the receiver. A correlation between the strength of the “felt” magnetic field and the thickness of the tubes, “plane voltage” is the basis for detecting and sizing the actual thickness of the tubes.
The use of two frequencies to eliminate undesirable signals, the “frequency compensation” resource, the use of updated equipment and software that allow the presentation of data in real time and simultaneous recording for later analysis, are decisive factors in the precision of the results, as well as in the maximization of the inspection speed.

– Allows the inspection of partially encrusted tubes;
– Low filling factor (less than the eddy-current);
– Flexible probes for inspection of curved parts of tubes, typically used in boilers;
– Speed than IRIS.
– Applicable only in the Inspection of magnetic materials;
– Does not detect damage under baffles and mirrors;
– Has limitations for detecting small damages;
– Performing the exam and interpreting the results requires experience and skill ;
– Requires the manufacture of standards for each type of pipe examined;
- Supervision by a multidisciplinary engineering team with experience in equipment inspection and maintenance. Vast collection of records of the various types of damage that occur in tubes of heat exchangers and boilers.
- 100% recorded inspection, the data can be re-evaluated at any time, or even be compared in future inspections.
- Work procedure with immediate analysis of data in the field, or simultaneous collection and analysis, this last resource allows optimizing the time of effective work in the field.
- Data recording in 3D sketch;
- Inspection Statistics;
- Professional qualified in Eddy Current according to SNQC – ISO 9712
- Own professional SNQC Level III in Eddy Current
- Possibility of applying simultaneous electromagnetic techniques (EC, IRIS, RFT, MFL) to complement and increase the effectiveness of the inspection.