For tightness testing in tubes of heat exchangers and boilers, Araujo Engenharia has an exclusive tool, which complements the established techniques of tube inspection, indicating precisely and quickly which tubes are “drilled”, the HIGHVAC®
The Eddy Current, REMOTE FIELD, NEAR FIELD, MFL and IRIS techniques are effective for detecting and sizing small damages in the tubes, but they have characteristics that make it difficult to say if a tube is severely damaged or is already “pierced” . Hydrostatic tests are costly, time consuming and can damage equipment.
This is a “high vacuum” tube inspection system, the HIGHVAC®, capable of identifying small leaks in tubes. Compared to hydrostatic and tightness tests, which require “racketing” and pressurizing the equipment, HIGHVAC® has several advantages.

HIGHVAC® makes it possible to quickly locate which tube is “stuck” in convection zones of watertube boilers, which is a particularly challenging situation, as they normally require successive hydrostatic tests, which takes time, and the location of leaking tubes is complicated, most of the time it is difficult to tell if a tube is leaking or if it has been “wet” by the neighboring tube. Check out the video below: